Breaking 100 for the first time is a great achievement, but doing it all the time is even better. If you have had a taste of a 2 figure scorecard and want to know how to break 100 strategy in golf consistently, then this post is for you.
Whether you have been playing partners for years and are just sitting a few strokes above 100, or you have just begun playing but want to rapidly improve, I’ll be sharing plenty of actionable tips and advice to help you take that massive step to a better, more consistent golf game.
A quick overview
There are so many things that go into breaking 100 in golf consistently. Your golf swing, shot choice, lag putting, fitness. Improving any of these will help you. But in this post I want to focus on three things in particular:
- The tee shot
- Knowing your clubs
- The mental game
These are three key points that can easily get you on track to breaking 100 as fast as possible.
We’ll start where every hole begins, the tee shot. To give yourself the best chance at breaking 100 you do not even need to worry about hitting the greens in regulation. So the most important thing is to forget trying to Bryson De Chambeau it into orbit, just focus on simply keeping your tee shot in play and ideally free of any obstacles for your second bad shot.
Besides additional penalty strokes, I have noticed personally that not being in the fairway typically adds one stroke to my score per hole. So focus on those tee shots!
Another concept that might seem simple is understanding the exact distance that you hit your clubs.
Go to the driving range and create your own yardage book by marking the distance of each club. Just knowing this will be helpful with the shorter par 3s.
If you want to take it to the next level then on the course, download a golf GPS so you know exactly how far away you are and what club to hit.
Finally, the most important point is to just relax.
Everyone was bad at some point in their golfing journey, most people will understand and not get frustrated with you. If they do you should take a look at who you’re playing with and decide if they’re right for you.
The Tee Shots

First, we will need to discuss setting yourself up off the tee. This is a very important step towards breaking 100 during your game.
Try to always take a deep breath before stepping up to the tee.
This is because stress can be playing a part on the hole or shot and this simple step helps to clear your mind before swinging.
If you have been playing golf for a while this is second nature to you but it is important to not overthink your swing because this can mess up your shot. Just walk up to the tee and do not overthink, just swing.
However, if you are just a beginner which is where we all start, think about small steps one at a time and do not overwhelm yourself.
A good example of how to do this would be thinking about your swing at the tee at the first hole and then something else at the second hole.
Over time it will get much easier and you will not be as overwhelmed. The tee shot is the most important shot of the hole because it sets you up for success depending on where your shot lands. It is very crucial that you don’t rush this shot.
There are a couple of technical things to understand, a couple of simple things that will be good to know are how high to tee your ball and also understanding where the ball should be in your stance.
A good way to practice tee shots or any shots is to go to the driving range to get a better idea of exactly how far you drive your tee shots.
By doing this, you will know what to expect when you go to play at a normal course. This will also improve your swing if you are new because practice makes perfect and your swing will feel more natural after even one session at the driving range.
If you end up out of bounds or in a spot that is not the most ideal do not give up on yourself or get frustrated because if you do this is where your game will go downhill.
Make the best out of the situation and set yourself up aimed right at the hole. Another good way of looking at it is the last shot is over and you cannot go back on it so focus on the next shot and do not let a shot like the previous one happen again. Just let it go.
Know the Distance of Your Clubs

The next concept that is very important if one wants to break 100 is knowing the distance of your clubs.
This is something you should start to do from day one with a new set of clubs.
Everyone shoots different distances, so you have to find your personal distance with each of your clubs. This can best be achieved by just getting in the hours at the driving range, which can never be a bad thing. It is important to break in your clubs and have your swing become second nature.
This is essential when playing on the course because you will need to understand how far you hit with different clubs and the distance you are between the golf ball and the hole.
An extreme example, you would not use your driver if you are 20 yards from the hole and you would not use your putter to swing at the tee. However, what about a 160-yard tee-shot? Depending on the player and club, that could be anything between a 5 to an 8 iron.
Also, what if there is a bit of water in front, you’d want to give it a little extra to clear it or a little less to lay up a nice approach.
Your clubs are one of the most important aspects of your game because if you do not know how far you can hit them, it can add many more strokes to your game than you expect.
If you are just a starter there is no need to go out and buy the fanciest or most expensive clubs you can find, but it is important to have good clubs to just start out and get a feel for the game.
Once you improve and start shaving strokes off your round, then it will be time to level up to newer more expensive clubs.
The Mental Game: The Most Important Part of Golf

Believe it or not, the mental game is definitely one of the most important pieces of golf. It is also one of the easiest things for you to control and improve in the shortest amount of time.
Sure, we would all love to hit the ball as pure and as far as the pros, but they do that for a living. They are putting in hours on the range and putting green every single day of their lives all year round, it is their job after all.
Although I assume most of you, myself included, are reading this article not because you want to play golf for a living but instead because you want to have fun out on the course on the weekends or maybe beat your friends.
One of my main motivations nowadays is trying to beat my friends, and by breaking 100 you will be one step ahead of them.
Now that you understand why breaking 100 may matter, that transitions into having realistic expectations.
Like I said above, you are not putting hours into your game every single day. So do not expect to go play like a pro or to shoot a brand new personal best every single round.
This is something I have learned over time as well, reminding myself that my scores have come from not putting the work into practicing the game.
This brings us to the first rule of the mental game; set realistic expectations for yourself. Not only will this ease some pressure but you’ll also have more fun out on the golf course. If you are playing frustrated you are likely not going to be able to break 100.
Another reason why the mental game is so important is to remain calm and make smart plays.
The odds of you hitting some spectacular punch shot between two trees is very low, but I bet you can hit a chip shot back onto the fairway.
Do talk yourself into forcing shots or clubs you are uncomfortable with and leave yourself those yardages ahead of time.
Maybe you don’t need to hit a five wood to some awkward yardage away from the green leaving yourself a half chip shot. Or maybe you shouldn’t hit a five wood just because you don’t practice it and aren’t comfortable with it.
Either way, just think about what you are doing and make the smart golf decision, your score will certainly lower as a result.
Other Tips
Play Smart and Alter Your Perception of a Par
Why should you care about making pars if your goal is to break 100? You shoot 96 (+24) if you make 12 bogeys and 6 double bogeys. Is there problems on both sides of the hole? Don’t hit the driver; instead, hit the reliable club that you’re most confident in your ability to hit straight.
If you hit your drive into the woods, instead of taking a “hero” punch shot to the green, chip it back into the fairway.
The huge numbers are your adversary while you’re trying to break 100. The 7s, 8s, and 9s should be avoided. Play each hole for bogey, selecting your shots based on the quickest way to par putt.
Short Game is the Key (Putting & Chipping)
The majority of strokes lost by golfers attempting to break 100 occur on the green, but they spend most of their practice time on the range, swinging hard at drivers.
Whether you want to practice for 10 hours or 2 hours per week, at least half of that time should be spent on the putting green. Get used to controlling your putter’s speed.
Putts from short to mid-range should be practiced. Practice chipping with various clubs and figure out when to play a bump-and-run vs. a lofted stroke.
Practice with Purpose
Practicing is an important component of improving your golf game. Here are some great practice ideas to help you practice with intention while having fun:
Every club in your bag should be used
Test out every club in your bag on the range to acquire a better understanding of your game and swing. Don’t limit yourself to wedges, mid irons, and drivers like the majority of people. Instead, use all of your clubs to gain confidence in them for any shot you may encounter on the course.
Love the green practice
While the driving range is vital, it pales in comparison to the putting green. Make it a point to practice your short game more than any other aspect of your game.
Chip shots should be practiced
Master your chip shot in between shots on the range or on the putting green. Take a straightforward back and through action with your pitching wedge such that if you miss the green, you can usually get it down in two strokes.
Keep Calm and Don’t Get Frustrated
Golf is a tremendously mental sport that can be extremely frustrating. Millions of golfers drop out each year. You must be patient while you attempt to develop. Finally, remember to have a good time. Golf may be an immensely frustrating game at times.
However, don’t let what occurs on the course ruin your day. Keep in mind that golf is a sport. It’s supposed to be enjoyable; it’s not a life or death situation. While most shots won’t turn out the way you planned, you may frequently still create magic with the following one.

Is It Hard to Break 100 in Golf?
No! It is hard to get started playing golf, but once you are off to the races it is actually easier than you think to break 100. I have heard stories of players who after going to the driving range and putting green a few times and using the other tips we’ve provided above has broken 100 during one of his first full rounds.
So yes he had played nine holes prior to going the full 18, but he shot just above 100 hundred for his first time out this year. So if this is a random person’s potential, you should be able to break 100 quite easily as well!
What is My Golf Handicap if I Shoot 100?
The handicap system works by taking the average score you shoot over par and that is just your handicap. This makes the game fun by giving everyone a fair chance, even if you are playing against a PGA professional.
Whenever you begin your golf career your handicap will be in the mid to high 30’s or low 40’s. This is just how normal beginners start, by shooting around 120 roughly. With some simple math, if you assume the standard golf course has a par of 72 for eighteen holes, shooting 100 on average gives you a handicap of 28.
This does not mean that the first round you break 100 your handicap becomes 28, but you need to shoot an average of 100 over ten rounds or more for it to officially be your handicap. So the short answer is your handicap is 28!
What Percentage of Golfers Can Break 100?
Going back to the handicap system, that is exactly how the United States Golf Association has determined how many players have broken 100. Of course if a player’s handicap is lower than 28 they have broken 100 and do so on a regular basis.
From round scores taken from popular golf apps such as The Grint, the National Golf Foundation has reported that 55% of golfers break 100. According to The Grint app specifically their numbers were 90%, but the reasoning behind that is above average golfers are the ones who think to use a golf tracking app.
Hence our recommendation that you join that trend as well. Overall, 55% of golfers can break 100 and do so regularly.
Can Average Golfers Break 100?
Well speaking that 55% of golfers can break 100, certainly, the average golfer can! Like we have discussed, it takes a little bit of practice and some mental dedication, but you can certainly break 100.
Since one out of two people break 100, it is safe to say that the average golfer does break 100. With that being said, do not stress, just go out there keep calm and play on!
How Long Should it Take to Break 100 in Golf?
Now this is a question that is dependent on a case-by-case basis. Everyone progresses at a different rate so it is difficult to give a general estimate. I have known people who broke one hundred in two weeks to a month, but that is because he was playing every single day.
I also know people who have played a few times a month and still have yet to break 100, although they do not take it as seriously. So it really depends on how much you care to break 100, and how much time and effort you are willing to put into the sport.
On average I would say with a little effort it should take you about a month to two months to break 100. Just focus on the tips we have given you above and you will be breaking 100 in no time.
What Percentage of Golfers Can Break 90?
Now that you have your eyes on breaking 100 and will be doing so soon, think ahead to the feeling of breaking 90. That process is a little more difficult, but it is certainly achievable nonetheless. You will need to put in even more time and effort, as well as keep calm mentally.
Heck I am even struggling to break 90 some days on a few difficult courses, so I could use some work too! Anyways going back to handicaps and the study from the National Golf Foundation, 26% of golfers break 90 on a regular basis.
As you can see this is only half of those who broke 100, and still 26% of all golfers put them in a high category. Even though this may seem as if it is a small number, do not be afraid! Once you have broken 100 you are well on your way to breaking 90. Just keep implementing our advice and soon you will be in the top 26%!
How to break 100 in golf consistently: final thoughts
This article has covered everything there is to know about how to break 100 in golf consistently. To remind you how many golfers break 100, the answer is simply 55% so a little more than half. How to break 100 in golf comes from playing a smart game mentally, making the right decisions off of the tee box, and knowing the exact distances of your clubs. It should only take you a month or two to get below the 100 mark, but it all depends on the amount of effort you are willing to put in. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to break 100!
Thanks for the advice! My goal is consistently breaking 90. I play scrambles with much better players, so my focus will be on my short game and mentally relaxed!!